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This species is a typical example of the series, having almost glabrous, eglandular stems with fine prickles confined to the angles and broad, rather rounded terminal leaflets which have shallowly toothed margins and short, abrupt tips. It is one of only a few white-flowered members of the series and mainly occurs in southern Hampshire.
The panicle is rather simply branched, broad with a flat or rounded top and relatively few flowers. There are usually some scattered short-stalked glands.
Flowers are about 2.5cm in diamater with white, broadly obovate, somewhat convex petals. Stamens are variable in length either just exceeding the level of the styles (when viewed side on) or quite a bit longer. Styles are green. Sepals become patent after flowering.
Leaves are often a light or mid green colour with 3-5 touching or overlapping leaflets which are thinly hairy above. The terminal leaflet can be relatively large, 10 x 8cm, convex, elliptical to obovate, with a short or sometimes long cuspidate apex.
Note the very shallowly serrate margin on some leaves (others can be more irregularly toothed) and long, patent prickles on the petiolule, a distinctive feature of this species.
Leaflets are moderately pubescent but greenish below.
Stems are angled with rather fine declining or gently curved prickles on the angles. Scattered hairs and short-stalked glands may be present. They may be green, lightly suffused with reddish-brown (as in the photo) or turn completely golden brown or reddish in colour.